Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct system of Medicine based on Naturopathic Philosophy/Principles:
  • First, Do No Harm (like all health care providers)
  • The Healing Power of Nature
  • Treat the Whole Person
  • Identify and Treat the Causes
  • Doctor as Teacher
  • Prevention

Naturopathic physicians work with their patients to prevent and treat acute and chronic illness and disease, restore health and establish optimal fitness by supporting the person's inherent self-healing process, the vis medicatrix naturae. This is accomplished through:

Prevention of disease is emphasized through public health measures and hygiene as well as the encouragement and guidance of persons to adopt lifestyles which are conducive to optimal health.

Diagnosis and evaluation of the individual's state of health are accomplished by integrated modern and traditional, clinical and laboratory diagnostic methods.

Treatment and Care
Therapeutic methods and substances are used which work in harmony with the person's inherent self -healing process, the vis medicatrix naturae, including: dietetics and nutritional substances, botanical medicine,
psychotherapy, naturopathic physical medicine including naturopathic manipulative therapy, minor surgery, prescription medications, naturopathic obstetrics (natural childbirth), homeopathy, and acupuncture.

What is a Naturopathic Physician?

A naturopathic physician (ND or NMD) is an expert in natural medicine. NDs blend natural, non-toxic therapies with current advancements in the study of health and human systems, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatric care. They are committed to using cutting edge medical knowledge and tools to resolve their patients’ health issues and to create health solutions that can be uniquely tailored to each individual patient’s needs.

NDs attempt to find the underlying cause of the patient's condition rather than focusing solely on symptomatic treatment. They collaborate with all branches of medicine referring patients to other practitioners for diagnosis or treatment when appropriate. NDs take the time to listen to their patients’ needs and provide them with the space and answers they need to feel cared for and supported and to enable patients to take control of their health.

Currently, 20 states and territories license NDs to practice. Licensed NDs are graduates of four-year naturopathic medical schools with admissions requirements comparable to those of other medical schools. Degrees are awarded after extensive classroom, clinical and practical study. Medical science coursework includes cardiology, neurology, radiology, obstetrics, gynecology, immunology, dermatology, and pediatrics.

What types of Treatments are Used?

  • Physical Medicine (therapeutic manipulation)
  • Oriental Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Natural Childbirth (Midwifery)
  • Minor Office Procedures
  • Dietary and Therapeutic Nutrition
  • Lifestyle Counseling and Stress Management
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Mind-Body Medicine
  • Prescription of legend drugs

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