Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Future of Health Care

The Big Picture in Health 

The health care in our country is poor. Many of you know a person who, or maybe you yourself, has a chronic illness that has not gotten better or worse. The spending in the US for health care is unbelievable. Here are some facts that I hope will create a bigger picture.

Our overall Health Care is POOR:
    • 75% of all health care spending in the US is for the treatment of PREVENTABLE chronic illnesses – such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and arthritis
    • The overall trend is poor --- From 2000-2009:
      • Cases Heart Disease have risen 25%
      • Cases Diabetes have risen 32%
      • Cases stroke have risen 27%
    • 1 in 3 Children born after 2000 will develop diabetes

Our overall spending is unbelievable:
  • Health care in the US is aimed at the high-tech treatment of disease; much less on lifestyle counseling and wellness promotion
  • A modest focus on prevention and behavioral change could between $217 Billion and $1.6 Trillion over the next 10 years.
  • Proof of the problem: the US spends more money than any other country for health care – yet we rank 37th in health quality among developed nations.

We are the word’s least cost-effective health care system. We spend without seeing many results. We have research ongoing with no sight of solving any problems.  What lacks from our health care are two things: Lifestyle Counseling and Wellness Promotion!

Many of the chronic illnesses are preventable by the lifestyle choices we make.  Our society is sedentary. We consume bad foods, or our food is covered in toxic chemicals that make them unhealthy. Many of our allopathic medical doctors don’t have enough training to do this. Little by little they are waking up to something that Naturopathic Doctors have been doing for years and have seen successes with.

Naturopathic Doctors are the future of health care. We address those areas where your everyday doctor does not dare to go. We ask the questions. We take the time to listen to the patient. We address the root cause of the problem, which usually stems from lifestyle factors and nutrition. We educate patients on the importance of wellness.

Now I must say that to get healthy will take a lot of time and discipline. There is no quick fix.  Chronic illnesses didn’t just pop up overnight. They slowly develop within you. You must be committed and ready to embark on a journey to health.  Naturopathic doctors are there to guide and help you along the way.

If you, or someone you know, have a chronic illness and are tired of taking medications after medication with no sign of getting back to health; if you want to improve your health; or just want to experience what naturopathic medicine is, then visit the following websites to find one closest to you.  Naturopathic Doctors are licensed in 20 states to practice medicine, but there may be a Naturopath near you that does consultations.

Look for a naturopathic doctor by searching the following websites:

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct system of Medicine based on Naturopathic Philosophy/Principles:
  • First, Do No Harm (like all health care providers)
  • The Healing Power of Nature
  • Treat the Whole Person
  • Identify and Treat the Causes
  • Doctor as Teacher
  • Prevention

Naturopathic physicians work with their patients to prevent and treat acute and chronic illness and disease, restore health and establish optimal fitness by supporting the person's inherent self-healing process, the vis medicatrix naturae. This is accomplished through:

Prevention of disease is emphasized through public health measures and hygiene as well as the encouragement and guidance of persons to adopt lifestyles which are conducive to optimal health.

Diagnosis and evaluation of the individual's state of health are accomplished by integrated modern and traditional, clinical and laboratory diagnostic methods.

Treatment and Care
Therapeutic methods and substances are used which work in harmony with the person's inherent self -healing process, the vis medicatrix naturae, including: dietetics and nutritional substances, botanical medicine,
psychotherapy, naturopathic physical medicine including naturopathic manipulative therapy, minor surgery, prescription medications, naturopathic obstetrics (natural childbirth), homeopathy, and acupuncture.

What is a Naturopathic Physician?

A naturopathic physician (ND or NMD) is an expert in natural medicine. NDs blend natural, non-toxic therapies with current advancements in the study of health and human systems, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatric care. They are committed to using cutting edge medical knowledge and tools to resolve their patients’ health issues and to create health solutions that can be uniquely tailored to each individual patient’s needs.

NDs attempt to find the underlying cause of the patient's condition rather than focusing solely on symptomatic treatment. They collaborate with all branches of medicine referring patients to other practitioners for diagnosis or treatment when appropriate. NDs take the time to listen to their patients’ needs and provide them with the space and answers they need to feel cared for and supported and to enable patients to take control of their health.

Currently, 20 states and territories license NDs to practice. Licensed NDs are graduates of four-year naturopathic medical schools with admissions requirements comparable to those of other medical schools. Degrees are awarded after extensive classroom, clinical and practical study. Medical science coursework includes cardiology, neurology, radiology, obstetrics, gynecology, immunology, dermatology, and pediatrics.

What types of Treatments are Used?

  • Physical Medicine (therapeutic manipulation)
  • Oriental Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Natural Childbirth (Midwifery)
  • Minor Office Procedures
  • Dietary and Therapeutic Nutrition
  • Lifestyle Counseling and Stress Management
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Mind-Body Medicine
  • Prescription of legend drugs

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Qué es la Naturopatía?

La Naturopatía cree en la capacidad autocurativa de la persona y estudia la aplicación de agentes naturales: plantas medicinales, alimentos, el agua, el sol, el aire, la tierra... con el objetivo de mantener y recuperar la salud y el bienestar.

Llegar a conocer en profundidad el naturismo clásico, sin olvidar las técnicas más innovadoras y efectivas. Aplicar terapias y fomentar la cultura naturista, creando planes e iniciativas de promoción de la salud.

Metodología de estudio

La Naturopatía defiende el concepto de terapia holística y salud global, siguiendo una metodología complementaria a la medicina alopática.

Dentro de esta metodología, la naturopatía sigue los siguientes principios:

• La confianza en la capacidad autocurativa de la naturaleza humana.

• Seguir el procedimiento "Primun non nocere". El aspecto principal del tratamiento es no hacer más daño.

• El reconocimiento de las enfermedades agudas como parte del proceso natural de la curación; proceso que debe ser respetado y encauzado.

• La dieta vegetariana y el ayuno son parte de una forma de vida y actúan en la prevención y curación de enfermedades. No es algo imprescindible pero aconsejable, sobre todo en patologías agudas y crónicas.

• Los medicamentos y las vacunas en su mayoría son perjudiciales para el organismo. No obstante, su prescripción es siempre competencia de un médico cualificado.

• Es importante realizar una valoración global, y no sólo específica de la enfermedad. El ser humano está constituido por aspectos materiales, anímicos, mentales, energéticos y espirituales. Todos en dinámica interacción con la Naturaleza y la sociedad.

• Los agentes naturales son el factor primordial para ayudar a la curación.

• Es importante regular la vida conforme a las leyes naturales.

Es importante también apuntar la concepción de la Naturopatía:

• Es imprescindible el detectar pautas y causas de la enfermedad, además de tratar los síntomas. No quedarnos sólo en ellos.

• Integrada, preocupada por el paciente en su totalidad. Se da un énfasis especial sobre los valores humanos. Por lo tanto, la actitud del profesional es un factor de curación.

• Los síntomas, el dolor y la enfermedad nos proporciona información esencial sobre la desarmonía o conflicto subyacente. La enfermedad e incapacidad son vistas como procesos. La enfermedad como camino de aprendizaje.

• Utilizar técnicas no invasoras (dieta, ejercicio, relajación, psicoterapia...).

• El ser humano está considerado como un sistema dinámico, como un contexto o un campo energético dentro de otros.

• Concienciar al paciente en que la sanación viene de su interior. Fomentar la responsabilidad y autonomía del paciente. El profesional es un compañero terapéutico.

• Relación cuerpo-mente; la enfermedad psicosomática entra en el campo de todos los profesionales de la salud. La mente es un factor primario o equivalente a los demás en toda enfermedad.

• Los datos cuantitativos son auxiliares. Confianza primordial en la información cualitativa: informaciones del paciente e intuición profesional, la cual se debe desarrollar y trabajar.

• "Prevención" coextendida a la totalidad: trabajo, relaciones, objetivos, unidad cuerpo-mente-espíritu.

El temario de este curso de Naturopatía, está elaborado siguiendo la tradición y enriquecido con las últimas materias terapéuticas, además de investigaciones científicas relacionadas con la salud natural. 

Watch the Natural Cure Movement!

Learn secret cures to naturally heal your body from 30 unique presentations! The Natural Cures Movement includes natural remedies and treatment protocols for specific conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. The home remedies and natural cures you will discover could help you begin a path to better health and disease prevention! Plus, it’s FREE and online fromOctober 6-13. 2014.
This event will provide you with all of the healing information you need:
  • From the top doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths and health experts in the world
  • To learn the best natural remedies and treatment protocols
  • To use plant­-based medicine for specific conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease
  • And so much more!
Register for FREE now at the following link:
Take your health to the next level when you join Dr. Josh Axe, founder of one of the top 25 natural health websites in the world, DrAxe.com, and author of The Real Food Diet Cookbook. It’s his mission to to educate millions around the world in order to help them transform their health.
The Natural Cures Summit is online and FREE from October 6­-13, 2014!
Here are a few of the incredible presenters:
Dr. Joseph MercolaTake Control of Your Health & Insulin
Dr. Josh AxeNatural Cures for Leaky Gut
Sayer Ji10 Food Medicines That Could Save Your Life
Dr. Tom O’BryanOvercoming Gluten Sensitivity
Katie Wellness MamaThe Coconut Oil Cure
Suzy Cohen, RPhNatural Remedies for Thyroid & Autoimmune Disease
Vani HariHow to Cure Yourself Despite Food Companies and Your Doctor
With 30 expert presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for you or someone important to your life!
Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS:
Watch the first two talks of the summit:
  • Dr. Tom O’Bryan: Secrets to Overcoming Gluten Sensitivity
  • Suzy Cohen, RPh: Top 10 Natural Cures for Diseases you THINK you have
And, download the “Go Naked Cookbook” by Dr. Josh Axe and Cynthia Pasquella. This eBook contains 100+ gluten-free recipes that support healing naturally.
Come listen to The Natural Cures Movement from October 6-13, 2014!
Register for FREE at the following link today:
I’ll see you at the Natural Cures Movement!
